GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 30 Min. Titles: 13
DVD: $39.95 Ea.      DVD SERIES: $500.00
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Many of us have become used to just a few grains like wheat and rice in our diets. Now we are rediscovering that the grains that have existed for millennia and helped fuel the rise of civilizations are nutrition powerhouses and offer health benefits such as helping reduce heart disease, stroke, colorectal cancer and high blood pressure. Come discover how these ancient grains helped shape history and how you can incorporate them in your diet with a few simple, healthy recipes.

Titles include:

1. Quinoa
2. Teff
3. Amaranth
4. Maize
5. Millet
6. Bulgur
7. Spelt
8. Kamut/Khorasan
9. Wheat
10. Buckwheat
11. Rice
12. Barley
13. Sorghum

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Closed Captioned
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