GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 35 Min. Titles: 1
DVD: $39.95     
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When students and parents discuss the costs of college or university it’s usually centered around tuition, but there are other costs, more obscure and sinister that should also be discussed.   These hidden costs relate to the ethics and health related issues that arise from the pressures to succeed and of keeping up appearances on campus…in all its varied forms.
Think partying, binging, pledging, experimenting, succeeding, drugging, socializing, relieving, enduring and surviving.

Program chapters include:

    1. Fraternities & Sororities
    2. Hazing
    3. Sports
    4. Partying
    5. Study Drugs
    6. Loan Interest & Fees
    7. Sugar Babies
    8. Spring Break

You've opened a college savings account, now open a dialogue. The savings are immense when you avoid the costs.

Warning: Contains graphic scenes. Preview prior to circulation.

Copyright 2016
Duplication, Digital and ITV (HD) rights available