GR: Child, Teen RT: Approx. 12 Min. Ea. Titles: 10
DVD: $24.95      DVD SERIES: $225.00
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This series inspires children to think about the world: from a Bolivian Rain Forest Orchestra, a children’s court in India, a monkey orphanage in the Amazon jungle, to land mine clearing rats in Africa. These short programs will entertain and teach kids about the world in which they live.

Joachim Wild Riders  (Brazil)
Ten-year-old Luam spent most of his life on the streets and is now moving to Señor Joaquim`s farm. Señor Joaquim and his wife Dona Terezinha take care of street kids and offer them a new life.

Mother of the Bonobos  (Republic of the Congo)
Claudine André and her staff raise orphan Bonobos. They spare them from a life as pets - squeezed alone into tiny cages. Most of the animals have suffered great pain and it takes a lot of patience and time to rehabilitate them.

Kung Fu: China’s Female Fighters  (China)

Located in a secluded valley of the holy Shongshan Mountains is the only women's Kung Fu school in China: a boarding school for 70 girls. Goa Jia had always dreamed of becoming a Kung Fu fighter and feels privileged to be part of the school.

The Jungle Orchestra  (Bolivia)
Simon plays violin in the village's orchestra. He lives with his parents and siblings at the border of the Bolivian Rain Forest in a straw hut without electricity and water.

The Mine Clearing Rat  (Tanzania)
Ronaldinho the rat is able to smell TNT. Every day the training gets harder for Ronaldinho and at the end he has to past the biggest test: at an open field, out of thousand different smells he has to find the TNT. Will he make it and be one of Africa's live saving rats?

Monks of The Golden Triangle  (Thailand)
His parents aren't able to take care of Pumbui properly, which makes the little boy an easy victim for a career of crime. That is why Abbot Phra Khru Ba Neau Chai wants to take the boy to the monastery, to educate him and provide him a better future. As all the kids there, Pumpui will learn about discipline and responsibility.

The Children’s Parliament Of Rajasthan  (India)
During the day 13 year old Neraj Jath takes care of the family's goats in the dry landscape close to the Thar Desert. In the evening, she visits the school in her little village. In her spare time she is the minister for agriculture at the Children's Parliament of Rajasthan.

Land Of Rhythm  (Burundi)
Many young men of Burundi turned an old tradition into occupation: they are "Batimbos", drummers. Their huge drums are carried traditionally on the head. Following the rhythm of the drums the young men jump into the air and perform acrobatic tricks according to a set choreography.

Linea 5’s Dashing Angels  (Columbia)
Felix’s biggest dream is to be a Balinero like Loco. For more than a year Felix collected spare parts to build his own cart. Now his time has come, with his first ride in his own cart he will be a part of the Linea 5's dashing angels.

Marta And The Puppy Otter  (Hungary)
Marta Balogh loves animals from the bottom of her heart. For years now she rescues abandoned and injured animals. At the moment Marta takes care of Viki, a little otter baby.
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