GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 50 Min. Ea. Titles: 4
DVD: $39.95 EA.      DVD SERIES: $150.00
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You know the events, now here're the gripping stories of significant national and global consequence, often, one intertwined with another.

From Charles Lindbergh to Buzz Aldrich and Black Friday to The Fall of Saigon, this collection of HISTORIC MILESTONES creates an encompassing series of important events. Unparalleled archival footage and "insider” interviews reveal unique first person perspectives, adding depth to the account.   A profound, unforgettable and extraordinary series, offering a clarity seldom available. 

Program 1

The Wright Brothers
Black Friday
Cuban Missle Crisis
Nelson Mandela
Fall Of The Wall

Program 2

Gulf War
D Day
The Berlin Wall
Kennedy Assassination
Challenger Explodes
Princess Diana

Program 3

Man On The Moon
Charles Lindbergh
S.F. Earthquake
Cuban Revolution
Discovery Of Penicillin
The Fall Of Saigon 

Program 4

The AIDS Virus
Pearl Harbor
Treaty Of Versailles

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