GR: Teen RT: Approx. 10 Min. Ea. Titles: 12
DVD: $39.95 Ea.      DVD SERIES: $450.00
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Recommended: School Library Journal, Video Librarian

In an upbeat, visual treat of social media storytelling, teens bring together words and images that document a personal, life-changing event.   Each of these young adults transports the viewer to a moment of reflection and discovery.   Inspirational, these very universal stories mark a shift in their personal outlook on family, society, and self.  Important and thought provoking, these are their stories.

Titles include:
Rida: My Story About Women & Personal Freedoms

At age 16, Rida chose to be part of mainstream contemporary life rather than adhere to her traditional Pakistani upbringing. Breaking away from the family she loved was not easy, but she has gone on to achieve success on her own and has even been invited back to Pakistan to speak to the media about women and personal freedoms. Rida is determined to continue to contribute to society’s cultural understanding and advocate for greater freedoms for women.

Harry: My Story About Down Syndrome

Harry was a regular kid with a love of video games when his baby sister Millie was diagnosed with Down Syndrome after being born three months premature.  He is now an adoring brother who gets his satisfaction from playing with and helping to care for Millie. His sister has largely shaped Harry’s future goals and aspirations: to work with kids with disabilities and help to educate others about what it’s like having a sibling with Down Syndrome.
Mikey: My Story About Family

Mikey grew up with parents who suffered from mental illness, necessitating that an aunt, who he never knew before, provide the love, care and support he needed. Her encouragement for him to do well in school and to follow his passion for skateboarding paid off when he went from “normal skater kid” to skating champion. He greatly appreciates the help he got to turn his life around and has recently become captain at his school.
Justin: My Story About Accepting Self

Justin found his boarding school oppressive and difficult, mainly because he didn’t know how to deal with his sexuality. One day while being bullied he realized he no longer cared what others might think, resulting in a sudden change of attitude from a repressed teen to a confident young man.  Living in the city and working as a copywriter, Justin is exuberant and optimistic, and most importantly, at peace with himself.
Makhala: My Story About Anorexia

As a young teen, Makhala was depressed, anxious and dealing with anorexia.  Hospitalized, she was told her life would likely end in 2 weeks without proper nourishment.  But then an amazing thing happened.  Instantly identifying with a fragile animal about to be put down she was gripped by a need to save it and in turn saved herself.  Today she is inspired to help others avoid the downward spirals that nearly crushed her and speaks regularly to kids about depression and anxiety.  She's also hoping to establish an equine-assisted therapy school.  
Andy: My Story About Following Your Passion

At age 15, Andy is a young fashion designer about to have his first solo show.   Despite still being a student he runs a fashion business collaborating with manufacturing partners while designing collections.  But Andy also sells movie tickets and popcorn at the local cinema.  His hard work and strong entrepreneurial spirit make his future look incredibly bright.  Andy believes in himself and plans for a future in fashion showcasing his designs in New York and Paris.  
Dominic: My Story About Being Different

Worried about fitting-in and being different, Dominic hid the skills he had learned as a young boy, the skills of a very good magician.  His specialty was close-up magic involving sleight of hand with cards and coins.  He didn't understand how much magic played a part in who he was until being hired for his first paying gig.  His immediate success convinced him that his skills were worth having and sharing.  Crowned a Junior Champion of Magic, Dom now lives and breathes magic as a charismatic performer.
Faith: My Story About Being Confident

Living a somewhat nomadic life, Faith has lived in various parts of the world, moving regularly when her father accepted new business positions.  She describes herself as "shy and awkward".  Her personal escape had always been music, having taught herself to play guitar and compose songs.  Encouraged to enter a local talent competition her original composition was a selected finalist and aired on radio to thousands.  The recognition she received convinced her to pursue music more seriously, simultaneously doing so with a steady focus on her continuing education.
Dave: My Story About Depression

Until age 15, Dave suffered from depression and severe panic attacks.  He noticed an improvement the very day of his first gym workout and firmly believes his new daily regimen has enabled him to have a healthier mental and physical outlook.  Dave sees his workouts as an assistive means for managing his anxiety and has become passionate about spreading a message of hope to others who also suffer from anxiety. This new sense of belongingness has provided him an aim of becoming a motivational speaker within the health community.
Lucas: My Story About Dyslexia

Lucas went from a learning needs kid to a creative powerhouse in 24 hours once he decided he would take more responsibility for his educational process.  The dyslexia that controlled his life would now become an enhanced creative force, allowing him to embrace his passion for filmmaking. Even though Lucas will need to finish his formal education he has shifted the focus of his life and learning away from the constraints of dyslexia and towards the enjoyment of his unbridled passion.
Coen: My Story About Organ Donors

Coen was born with cystic fibrosis and later developed diabetes. With a lung capacity of just 20%, Coen spent a 1/3 of each day dealing with treatments of varying kinds. At age 15 he received a double lung transplant, a procedure that saved his life. Now a once painful hissing sound can be recognized as a laugh, a difficult walk now a full-on run, he can even wrestle with his little brother. Able to live like a normal teenager, Coen enjoys snorkeling, jet-skiing and swimming, all thanks to a generous organ donor who changed his life. Today Coen is raising awareness to potential donors about the life saving gift of tissue and organs in hopes of signing them up and saving other lives.
Fablice: My Story About Peace

Fablice is an emerging 20-year-old hip-hop artist. His new life today is a world away from his time as an orphaned 11-year-old soldier during the civil war in the African Republic of Burundi. His arrival in a new country has given him opportunities he never dreamed possible, inspiring him and his cousin to give back to the people of Burundi a musical message of peace.

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