GR: Child RT: Approx. 20 to 25 Min. Ea. Titles: 5
DVD: $39.95      DVD SERIES: $195.00
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Golden CineGlobe, Science Documentaries   - autodesk Award, "TV Series"   - Best Animated Short Film, Narrative Category, Cut Out Fest

Dr. W is here to teach you about things you may think you know, but maybe you don't... you know? He recommends you refrain from getting overly excited, or attempt to laugh or scream too loudly; it won't help. It is the good doctor's wish to reveal amazing things unseen ever before. Dr. W gives kids straightforward answers to everyday questions like how cuts heal, how evolution works and how to prevent illness. A highly educational and entertaining science series that introduces kids to a world of wonders. Please come in, Dr. W can see you now!

Dr. W: Man of Science and Wonder- Volume 1
  - Clash of Titans: Healing
  - Getting the Point: Injections
  - The Aerobic Adventure: Sweat
  - Growing Statements: Hair and Nails
  - The Sandwich Standoff: Goose Bumps
  - Casting W: The Senses

Dr. W: Man of Science and Wonder- Volume 2
  - Meet the Chaaampion: The Yawn
  - To Die Laughing: The Laugh
  - Ouch!: Pain
  - The Heavy Sleeper: Dreams
  - Autopilot Factory: Automatic Body Functions
Dr. W: Man of Science and Wonder- Volume 3
  - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: Fear
  - A Matter of Adaptation: Evolution
  - Meet Mr. Invisible: Atom and Matter
  - The History of Things: Electricity
  - The Relative Guest: Time

Dr. W: Man of Science and Wonder- Volume 4
  - Maximum Speed: Movement
  - The History of Things: Communications
  - Far, Far and Beyond!: Space Trip
  - The Roasted Consequence: Global Warming
  - The History of Things: Running Water

Dr. W: Man of Science and Wonder- Volume 5
  - The Dark Interview: The Hereafter
  - The Crystal Ball: Destiny
  - Caught by the Law: Murphy’s Law
  - Lucky Pep: Superstitions
  - Star’s Zoo: The Horoscope

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