GR: Child, Teen RT: Approx. 10 to 20 Min Ea. Titles: 15
DVD: $99.95      DVD SERIES: $1,499.25
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A diverse group of middle school aged children discuss how to navigate life in a contemporary blog format.

Titles include:

5 Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Anxiety is just part of being a teen. In this program students will learn 5 coping skills that will help them to manage their feelings of anxiety. When Claire has to make a presentation in front of her class, she learns that planning and preparation can assist in managing anxiety levels. When Kyle learns his parents are divorcing, he comes to understand that he doesn’t have control over the situation. He learns that staying active and exercising is a healthy way to handle anxiety. Megan becomes anxious when her friends get involved with other activities, which alienates. Megan learns that she can reduce her anxiety by connecting with others. Henry saw his neighbor’s house burn down and is now anxious the same could happen to his family. He learns that having positive thoughts and positive self talk is a good way to cope with anxiety.

5 Ways to Respectfully Disagree
Whether it’s with friends, sibilings, classmates or adults, sometimes when you disagree with someone, you can feel angry, or frustrated and the  disagreement can turn ugly and hurtful very quickly. In this program, true-to-life, age appropriate scenarios demonstrate five proven ways to disagree and be respectful: stay calm, don’t make it personal, be considerate of others feelings and ideas and communicate by using I-statements and good listening skills.

A Little Respect Please

What is respect? What does respect feel like? How do you show respect? Chelsea talks about respect on her blog. Viewers will learn what respect is and about different ways people disrespect people for their ideas or being different. The program also discusses the concept of respecting rules and the importance of self-respect.

Clique! Clique! Clique! Ouch! (Sometimes cliques hurt)
Finding their place in a particular social group is a primary concern of many children. Cliques are groups of friends, but not all groups of friends are cliques. Sometimes cliques are made of kids who share a common interest and other times the kids in them want to be popular or want to belong. Typically, cliques leave some kids out on purpose, and kids may  act much differently than they did before they were part of the clique. Cliques can have both positive and negative effects on individuals and groups, too. This program explores how cliques can affect a student and an entire school.

The Dangers of Texting and Sexting
Cell phones, mobile email devices and handheld computers provide students with the ability to send and receive messages within seconds. Dramatic scenarios will help students to understand the positive and negative sides of this new technology. Viewers will covers the basics on the do's and don'ts of texting and sexting. The program demonstrates the consequences of using this technology if you don't think ahead before you hit send.

Dealing with Bullies
Bullying is a reality for students in schools everywhere. You're either a bully, a victim or a witness. Using true to life scenarios, this program explains exactly what bullying is and how it affects people who are abused by bullies. The program provides students with practical strategies they can use to deal with bullies safely and get positive outcomes.

How to Get Along
Whether it's work inside the classroom, or play outside the classroom, conflicts can arise. It's natural. This program helps viewers to learn the skills necessary to foster cooperation, collaboration and compromise in just about any situation. By viewing this program, students will learn specific methods and strategies for getting along

How To Handle Anger
For a variety of reasons, lots of kids come to school angry every day. Unfortunately, many pre-teens and adolescents don't know how to handle  their angry feelings in appropriate ways. In this program, students will learn the skills necessary to recognize and deal with their own anger. The program introduces the concept of anger triggers, provides strategies for expressing and channeling anger, and demonstrates the consequences of quick tempers. Most importantly, the program gives viewers concrete alternatives for dealing with anger in a healthy and safe way.

Internet Bullies: Just A Click Away
For many kids, the Internet is an important part of their daily routine. Unfortunately, with the immediacy of the Internet, its anonymity and it's easy accessibility, kids are using instant messaging, blogs, e-mail, chat rooms and social networks to spread gossip and rumors to harass and embarrass their peers. In this program, students will come to understand that using the Internet for those purposes is actually bullying. True to life scenarios demonstrate practical ways for students to protect themselves and restrict the opportunities others have of harassing them online.

We're Different (But the Same)
Everyone is different in some way. Everyone is unique. Chelsea's blog takes on the issue of being different. Randal, Chelsea's friend is in a wheel chair and begins the discussion of being different by talking about physical differences. Subsequent stories talk about having different abilities, gender and cultural differences, too. The program stresses the importance of developing a respect and appreciation for people's differences.

What To Do About Rumors, Taunts and Bullies
"Hey, did you hear about..," "Baby, baby, baby!," "Give it to me now!" Gossiping, taunting and bullying are phenomena that occur at schools everywhere. Through vignettes, students will come to understand the devastating effects of these behaviors on individuals and the community.   In addition, the program outlines solutions and strategies for coping with this pervasive problem.

What's Empathy? Do I Have It?
Children need help in understanding what empathy is and why it's important. Chelsea talks about empathy on her blog and shares stories from events she's witnessed at school and at home. In this program Chelsea asks viewers to think about how innocent jokes and rumors can hurt others and how they would feel if they were teased and bullied by others. Chelsea's main message is before you say or do something that might hurt someone else, imagine being that person and think about how you would feel.

When BFF's Go Bad (Responsibility in a Digital World)

Is there something on your cell phone or computer that you don’t want others to see? Is there an embarrassing photo of you on your friend’s cell phone you wouldn’t want others to see? In this program students will learn that information stored on any digital device, computer, camera, electronic pad or cell phone at any second can become public and it can live forever in a digital world. This program stresses to viewers the importance of online responsibility and having a digital awareness. Students will come away with an understanding that it’s not just what you say and do online, but what others can do with your pictures, words, and videos that can negatively impact you.

Why Are There Bullies? (What are they thinking?)
This program explores the reasons why kids become bullies. Through live-action, age-appropriate scenarios, viewers will come to understand  why some kids are so aggressive, hurtful and mean to their classmates, teammates, friends and family members. Students will discover that there are a variety of reasons kids turn into bullies. Some bullies are looking for attention. Others may think bullying is a way to be popular or to get what they want. But most of the time, bullies are trying to make themselves feel more important. Some may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. The program also discusses how bullying makes the bully feel and how the victim feels, too. By viewing the program, students will have a better understanding of bullying which will give them a stronger foundation when dealing with a bully.

Working Things Out

Effective problem solving is one of the keys to finding solutions and resolving conflicts. In this program, students are taught the strategies and skills necessary to become problem solvers. Viewers will come to understand how asking questions, listening and brainstorming for ideas can result in a variety of solutions.
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