The series follows ten furry new students from the first day of puppy school training all the way to their graduation. From Chihuahuas to Great Danes, learn the basics- toilet training, bark control, handy party tricks... everything required to be a functional member of the family. Puppy Academy: Week 1 - Ensure your puppy is relaxed and confident - Socializing with puppies and people - Sit command including hand signal - Toilet training
Puppy Academy: Week 2 - Name recognition - Give up, drop - Lie down - Release from activity
Puppy Academy: Week 3 - Pay attention - Come, recall - Loose leash walking - Puppy proofing home
Puppy Academy: Week 4 - Stay - Stand Up - Household safety - Kennel training
Puppy Academy: Week 5 - Sit / lie down / sit / stand - Teeth / gum care - Leave it - Yard safety
Puppy Academy: Week 6 - Food bowl etiquette - Cleaning - Bedding - Bonding
Puppy Academy: Week 7 - Signs of sickness - Begging - Approaching others - Fleas
Puppy Academy: Week 8 - Pet injuries - Hoop jumping - Vacation planning - Graduation review |