GR: Child, Teen RT: 22 Min. Titles: 1
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Bullies bully because they feel a lack of control, most often because of what is happening to them, or around them, at home. They take frustration out on others. This is when bullying often gets physical. Or, they feel superior to others. These are the kids who may use social media to bully. They may call it “making fun,” but it isn’t. There are two ways to respond that aren’t good. First, you can retreat into yourself, get lonely, depressed. Or, you can become angry, get violent, “give them what’s coming.” Make them feel as bad as you do. Don’t!!

Instead, Mike Hall teaches kids “The Four C’s”…. How to remain Calm, Get Connected, Become Confident, and Learn to Compliment the Bully. These lessons are invaluable and have changed the lives of kids!!

Mike Hall speaks to about two hundred audiences of kids each year on the topic of bullies and bullying. He is a nationally recognized expert in the field with twenty years of experience as a mentor and coach.

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