GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 52 min. Ea. Titles: 5
DVD: $39.95 Ea.      DVD SERIES: $199.75
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In the four corners of the world, on all the continents, this documentary collection invites you to discover our world's sacred legacies. Everywhere, throughout all epochs and civilizations, human beings have experienced and expressed the sacred, thus questioning the mystery and the enigma of human existence. Compared to other animal species, we have this strange uniqueness: that of wanting to give an ultimate meaning to existence and to enter into a relationship with invisible forces or entities. From this experience and from the fundamental quest for what we call "the sacred", all the religious and spiritual traditions of humanity have developed throughout history. In this collection "The Sacred Paths" we will discover both the universality and the diversity of these internal quests, through exceptional and inspiring places, and thanks to encounters with people who give testimony of their own experience.
Episode 1: The experience of the sacred through Nature
Episode 2: The experience of the sacred through Wisdom & Meditation 
Episode 3: The experience of the sacred through Walking
Episode 4: The experience of the sacred through Solitude
Episode 5: The experience of the sacred through Beauty
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