GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 20 Min. Ea. Titles: 4
DVD: $39.95 EA.      DVD SERIES: $150.00
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These ethnically diverse programs offer young adults a realistic guide to the challenges they'll face after graduation, whether from High School or College.  Each focused topic offers sound advice on important elements for entering the world of adult responsibility.  The four essential programs provide solid assistance for dealing with job expectations and job interviews, from living at home to life on their own and finally, to enjoying basic needs or establishing a new personal lifestyle.  See also:  Financial Fitness for Young Adults and Working World for Young Adults.

You’re Graduating: Now What?
Graduation, whether from high school or college is usually the last step taken before officially joining the adult world.  Leaving behind the hallowed grounds of education generates a sense of excitement yet ahead is uncertainty. Young adults will be faced with new situations, most of which have little to do with what they learned in school.  This feeling of starting over and becoming self-reliant can be frightening & for some immobilizing.

 “So you’re graduating, now what”?  Will you jump in feet first or will you drag your feet hoping to delay those steps that lead to independent living?

Succeeding On Your Own
Now that you’ve decided it’s time to be living independently, there are several important life-skills that you’ll need for success.  Not surprising leaving the cushiness of home can lead to a downward spiral in ones lifestyle.  It therefore becomes critical to learn how to balance what comes in against what goes out.

It’s not easy!  Student debt along with housing, clothing, food, insurance, automobile, savings and entertainment all combine to put a serious strain on an income.  But, if you can’t manage your money you can’t manage your life and that makes it very difficult for succeeding on your own.

Finding That Dream Job
Armed with a diploma, possibly degreed, you've paid your dues and now, it's finally time for the big payoff.  Time to get that resume out there and enjoy the sweet life as the offers come rolling in. Screeeeeeeeeccccch!  Can I get a reality check here?

It will take a lot more than a few resumes to land a job, and that first offer is more likely to be at the bottom of the rung, not the top.  Entry level work can be repetitive, very often boring, and the hours might be rough, just what you were hoping to avoid.  But employers will want to know you can master the necessary skills and are reliable before moving you up.  So be prepared for the reality of the adult world where job skills and hard work make finding that dream job possible.

Moving On With Your Life
It's common today for young adults to stay at home longer in life.  Understandably you're parents love you and want to help, but with their help comes a level of control.  To become truly independent it will be necessary to break the financial ties with your parents, and that can hurt.

As an adult, you have a job and a place of your own.  You reserve the freedom to choose how you will live, and where, and in the lifestyle that you desire.  You crave the excitement of moving on with your life and are ready to face the challenges, risks and rewards, welcome to Independent Living.

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