GR: Adult RT: Approx. 20 Min. Ea. Titles: 3
DVD: $49.95      DVD SERIES: $149.00
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With more than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power located outside of the United States, the appeal of going global is easy to understand. In addition to increased sales and profits, diversifying markets helps mitigate risk. But the prospect of establishing overseas markets can be daunting.

Will my products be well received by different cultures? How can I make sure I get paid? What legal issues are there?

Going Global addresses these questions and concerns and much more. Successful international businesspeople share their experiences and proven strategies. Government agencies responsible for aiding company's global expansion also give invaluable advice.

Go ahead... make the world your oyster.

Titles include:

Exporting: The Basics
    - Why Export?
    - The Exporting Environment
    - Understanding Legal Issues
    - Creating An Export Plan

Exporting: Building The Foundation

    - Financing Your Global Business
    - Identifying Global Marketing Channels
    - Implementing Marketing Strategies
    - Finding That First Customer

Exporting: Steps For Success
    - Meeting The Customer
    - Understanding Global Distributors
    - Exporting The Product
    - Providing Customer Service

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