GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 50 Min. Ea. Titles: 6
DVD: $39.95      DVD SERIES: $225.00
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India has transformed itself into a hodgepodge state of over a billion people, combining myriad languages, ethnicities, religious faiths, and geographic backdrops. It is a land of extremes and contradictions, its population second in size only to China’s. It has the distinction of being the world's largest democracy, yet the vestiges of the caste system remain today, stifling progress and preventing equality. This six-part documentary series takes the viewer on a journey across the Indian subcontinent, making them witnesses to parts of India each a world all its own. It is an eye-opening look at the true state of a people trying to carve out a modern existence in a country still beholden to the past.

Titles include:

Kashmir: Lost Paradise
The trials and tribulations of the people of this war-torn mountainous region, still fought over today by India and its neighbor Pakistan.

Women: The Tears of Hindus
Oppressive conditions sill exist for many Indian women even in the face of a modern society.

The Rabari of the Thar Desert
The life of the Rabari is not an easy one. The harsh conditions of these desert nomads threaten their way of life and perhaps even their existence.

The Ancient Traditions Of The Lohar of Rajasthan
Loyalty, tradition, and family ties come together to connect people with their history, often to the point of hampering their future.

The Caste System
Despite being outlawed, the caste system in India still adheres to the ancient Hindu-based hierarchy. Here, in the holy city of Varanasi, it remains an obstacle to full democracy

The Mosaic Sounds of Calcutta

The vibrant city of Calcutta, now known as Kolkata, where the sounds of traditional instruments blend in harmony with the cutting edge of an increasingly Westernized music scene.

Copyright MMXV
Closed Captioned
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