GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 30 Min. Ea. Titles: 20
DVD: $39.95 EA.      DVD SERIES: $750.00
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This visually rich series offers a fascinating look at a broad cross-section of world renowned individuals. Every historic re-creation explores the most important developments of their very famous lives whether artist, businessman, composer, leader, philosopher, poet, explorer, writer, reformer, scientist or ruler. Interested viewers will enjoy the focused approach to understanding the emotional state, significant contributions, important benchmarks and major turning points in these incredible lives.

Composers Volume 1
• Bach, Johann Sebastian
• Haydn, Joseph
• Chopin, Frederic
• Liszt, Franz

Composers Volume 2
• Schubert, Franz
• Beethoven, Ludwig van
• Brahms, Johannes
• Schumann, Robert

Artists Volume 1
• Botticelli, Sandro
• Rembrandt, Van Rijn
• Van Gogh, Vincent
• Michelangelo

Artists Volume 2
• Klimt, Gustav
• Renoir, Pierre Auguste
• Monet, Claude
• El Greco

Canvas & Artist Volume 1

• “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo Da Vinci
• "The Dance Class” by Edgar Degas
• “Mardi Gras” (”Pierrot and Harlequin”) by Paul Cézanne
• “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci

Canvas & Artist Volume 2
• "Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini" By Jan van Eyck
• "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?" by Gauguin
• "The Return of the Prodigal Son" by Rembrandt
• "The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli

Canvas & Artist Volume 3
• "The Nude Maja" by Goya
• "The Lute Player" by Caravaggio
• "Self Portrait and Saskia" by Rembrandt

Writers Volume 1
• Kafka, Franz
• Hugo, Victor
• Swift, Jonathan
• Wilde, Oscar

Writers Volume 2
• Tolstoy, Lev
• Fitzgerald, F. Scott
• Twain, Mark
• Stevenson, Robert Louis


• Homer
• Milton, John
• Chaucer, Geoffrey
• Khayyám, Omar 

Philosophers Volume 1
• Descartes, Rene´
• St. Thomas Aquinas
• Confucius
• Socrates

Philosophers Volume 2
• Plato
• Aristotle
• Diogenes
• Nietzsche, Friedrich

Religous Reformers

• Luther, Martin
• Hus, Jan
• Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha


• Polo, Marco
• Magellan, Ferdinand
• Pizarro, Francisco
• Vespucci, Amerigo

Scientists Volume 1
• Pythagoras of Samos
• Pavlov, Ivan
• Nostradamus
• Newton, Sir Isaac

Scientists Volume 2
• Galileo Galilei
• Curie, Madame Marie
• Darwin, Charles
• Nobel, Alfred 

Rulers and Leaders Volume 1
• Lincoln, Abraham
• Bonaparte, Napoleon
• Catherine The Great
• Khan, Batu

Rulers and Leaders Volume 2
• Washington, George
• Tutankhamun
• Cleopatra
• Montezuma II 

Military Commanders

• Lee, Robert E.
• Alexander the Great
• Hannibal
• Admiral Horatio Nelson

Tycoons & Barons

• Rockefeller, John D.
• Rothschild, Mayer Amschel
• Strauss, Levi
• Pinkerton, Allan
• Morse, Samuel

Closed Captioned
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