GR: Teens, Adult RT: 12 Min. Titles: 1
DVD: $69.95     
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Even when expectant moms know breastfeeding is the best option for the health of both mom and baby, it is often still difficult to convince them that breastfeeding is the right choice for them given their particular circumstances. Breastfeeding for Modern Moms delivers a positive “you can do it” message through first hand accounts of a diverse group of new moms talking about the challenges they overcame and sharing their feelings of success.
Clinical experts weigh in explaining the benefits and giving helpful tips on positioning, pumping and proper diet.  Successful breast feeders show how to prepare for getting back to a busy routine while still continuing to breastfeed.
The encouragement and practical information of this current, well-paced program will help moms start their baby on the right path and continue toward a healthier future.
Copyright 2015
Available in English and Spanish
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