GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 10 Min. Titles: 1
DVD: $69.95     
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Feeding your child a healthy and well-balanced diet doesn’t have to be a constant battle. While it’s not uncommon for children to be picky eaters, many parents feel frustrated and concerned about how to teach proper eating habits.  This video is designed to offer realistic tips and strategies for parents who feel they’re struggling with picky eaters. Real moms share their mealtime woes and frustrations with experts who insist that even the pickiest of eaters can eventually come around.  Key steps toward preventing mealtime battles are discussed, along with suggestions on how to prepare foods in fun and enticing ways.
Featuring advice from WIC nutritionists Kimberly Farrand, RD and Lissa Sirois, RD, this video is a great resource for making mealtime happy and healthy for the entire family.
Copyright MMIX
Available in English and Spanish
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