GR: Adult RT: Approx. 10 Min. Titles: 1
DVD: $69.95     
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No family is immune to America's rising obesity problem, but the good news is that parents are not helpless in the fight to keep their children fit. "Preventing Childhood Obesity" shows how simple everyday strategies can dramatically improve your health and increase the likelihood of your children adopting good eating and exercise habits even when they are away from home.  This video personalizes the American Academy of Pediatrics' easy-to-remember "5-2-1-0" guidelines for a healthy lifestyle, recommending how every child can maximize nutrition and exercise while minimizing the intake of junk food and the amount of sedentary behavior.  Also included are proven tips for teaching children the value of portion control, the importance of eating a balanced diet and how to make exercise fun and accessible, even on a tight budget.
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