GR: Teen & Adult RT: 30 to 40 Min. Ea. Titles: 5
DVD: $139.00      DVD SERIES: $695.00
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Through a combination of live action, animation and illustrations, this 5-part series shows how a new life forms, what happens during pregnancy and childbirth, the impact of heredity, and the stages of newborn development. Complex concepts and processes are explained in simple terms that all can understand.

The Beginnings of Life Series includes:

From Conception to Baby
Creating a brand new person requires a complex biological process featuring a cast of microscopic characters. Viewers learn about fertilization and how chromosomes determine the gender and physical attributes of a baby. We show how a single cell develops into an embryo and follow the rapidly changing stages of fetal development. The importance of prenatal care, nutrition and a healthy prenatal environment are also examined.

Pregnancy in Progress
For parents-to-be, the road from conception to birth is one filled with endless questions, changes, and decisions. In this program, viewers learn the early signs of pregnancy and the host of changes women will experience during their 9 month adventure. We explain common prenatal tests and what they can reveal about a baby’s development. You will discover possible causes of infertility in both women and men, a well as common treatment options. We also offer guidelines for healthy prenatal care and making important birth choices.

Understanding Childbirth
A lot happens between the onset of labor and the first moments of a new life. This program explores approaches to childbirth, including different methods and environments, as well as what to consider when creating a birth plan. Viewers learn about contractions, how to discern true labor from false labor, the three stages of labor, and the appropriate time to call a medical professional. See what to expect during a traditional delivery or a Cesarean section.

Newborn Development
Within the first few minutes of life, children start adapting to their new environment. In this program, we show how professionals use the Apgar test to assess a newborn’s health and the significance of the first interaction between parent and newborn. We then follow the many physical, cognitive, and social changes that newborns experience on their journey through early infancy. We also explain the crucial role of sleep and nutrition in fostering development and offer guidelines for parents to provide the best possible care for their newborn.

Heredity & Environment
Is it our DNA or our environment that makes us who we are? Learn about the structures and chemistry of DNA molecules. You will see how genes are passed from parents to offspring and how they determine the traits of an individual. Discover how environmental factors, inside or outside of the womb, can affect a child’s health later in life. Viewers also learn about genetic disorders and how counseling and screening can provide health information before or during pregnancy.

Copyright MMXI
link See also Childhood: Stages of Development Series