GR: Teen, Adult RT: Approx. 60 Min. Ea. Titles: 3
DVD: $39.95 Ea.      DVD SERIES: $115.00
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All around the African continent a new conscience of independence and pride is growing with determination. This new Africa, aware of today’s difficulties and the problems of the past, faces up to the inherent oppositions to its development with the courage and assurance of a population resolutely focused on the future.

Titles include:

Camera/Woman: A Moroccan Divorcee Struggling For Her Independence
Camera Woman is the bittersweet chronicle of Khadija’s life. A young Moroccan divorcee is determined to work as a camerawoman at weddings to ensure her independence, despite the disapproval of her family and her entourage. Whilst the season of wedding ceremonies is in full swing in Casablanca, we follow Khadija in her comings and goings between the family’s flat, where the tension is palpable, and the weddings full of hope and lightness.

Koundi And The National Thursday
Koundi, a village of 1,200 inhabitants in Cameroon’s East Province, is dependent on a timber license awarded to their cooperative by the central government. Young and old alike, everybody makes their contribution to the collective effort of the village. But in order not to be dependent on one source of income the villagers develop the idea to start a cocoa plantation. To set up this new community project, they decide that everybody will have to offer some of his time every Thursday. We observe the village’s life as it unfolds around these communal activities, and of course around the daily life of each one of them: problems of couples, issues of health and perspectives on education. Between traditions and modern life, these men and women struggle to find their authentic place in today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Without Prescription: Surviving Through Trafficking Illicit Medication
In October 2009, former French President Jacques Chirac, surrounded by the Presidents of Benin and Burkina Faso, issued the "Appeal of Cotonou" against illicit medications. The stakes were high: eradicate the production and sale of illicit medication and provide access to quality health care to everybody in Africa. Several years after the public appeal against this plague, what are the results? We shall try to understand by diving into the daily lives of pharmacists, traditional healers, doctors and patients… and learn more about prevailing customs and practices related to health in Africa.

FI Release 2017
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