GR: Child, Teen RT: Approx. 22 Min. Ea. Titles: 5
DVD: $39.95 EA.      DVD SERIES: $190.00
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"Now" is the best time.  What science field will you pursue? 

How do you fire a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in today's youth?

Knowing that many students are concerned about the world they will inherit, this contemporary series relates how the many fields of science can positively impact current and future environmental issues. The Green Science series connects the dots from STEM to a better tomorrow, encouraging middle schoolers to seriously explore STEM subjects.  

Each Green Science episode breaks down broad ecological topics into science concepts younger viewers can understand, with reinforcements from their peers who share relevant perspectives and helpful advice. The myriad of science careers that help address the topics are introduced for students to begin considering that their future can be well served in STEM fields.

Titles include:

The Science of Sustainability

The Earth is an amazing place. It cycles through the seasons like a giant clock. Like a heartbeat, the tides ebb and flow, summers turn to fall. It’s an endless rhythm of life.

The great thing about the earth is that it renews and SUSTAINS itself throughout the cycles- if we let it. But humans are now consuming so much of the earth’s resources that these cycles of renewal are having a hard time keeping up.

There is no way to overestimate the importance of your contribution to help sustain life on Planet Earth. Whether it is in the sciences of protecting our soil, or replanting our forests or in moving and protecting our water resources.  The planet will need your help.  With your interest in the green sciences it will help insure that we stay green for many generations to come.   So, what science will you pursue?

The Science of Recycling & Design

Green Engineers build systems where bio-waste from our water is recycled as soil amendments. These projects involve the field of not only civil engineering but also the sciences of hydrology, biology and soil.   The science of green design needs new people.   They’ll be the ones who recycle and redesign the world from the ground up.  Do you fit in?

This is a unique time for combining science, engineering, math and technology. Never has there been a greater need. Never has there been a greater opportunity.  What’s your passion?  Pursue it!

The Science of Energy Independence

Our main sources of Energy- the fossil fuels that power our lives- are getting harder to come by. We have to travel farther- drill deeper and spend more just to keep up with our never-ending need for more power.

Today, Green Science is offering us many exciting paths to Energy Independence. Whether it is the photovoltaics of solar power, the fluid mechanics of wind power or the biochemistry of biofuels, the promise of renewal energy is going to be found through research and development in Green Science.

For Energy Independence, we need all the ideas we can get and a combination of all the science we can learn.   How will you help?

The Science of Endangered Species

We share the world with a lot of other living creatures. But sometimes we find ourselves in a battle over resources and living space.  And it is a battle that driving much of our wildlife to extinction.

It can start in school with books and assignments and experiments on how we can make this a healthier world for all of us- plants, animals and humans. Without this knowledge, we are just well intentioned but powerless to affect change.  The world needs people who understand how this delicate web of life can be protected and renewed for future generations.  See what you can find out about the wildlife around you. Only then can you truly make a difference.

The Science of Climate Change

It’s all connected: climate, oceans, ecosystems, plant and animals. Human activity is a big part of the mix driving climate change. And the biggest factor in human impact on the climate is our energy use. So any kind of solution to the problem of climate change is going to involve Energy.

Before each part of science was a world of its own. Geologists studied rocks. Botanists studied plants. Now we are realizing that the changes taking place on Earth are very much interrelated. And to study these changes, the sciences must be interrelated too.

We’ll need your help!  If you are passionate about design, drawing and art, use that. If you love science and technology, use that. Research, writing, story telling, every one of these talents are required to address the problem of climate change.  We’ll need your help; can we count on you?

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