AGE: Teen, Adult Time: Approx. 25 Min. Ea. DVDs: 30
DVD: $89.95 EA.      DVD Series: $2,698.50         
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A 30-part series with high production values for just about every student that takes a biology class. You’ve got the Basics covered.

Basics of Anatomy
• The Nervous System: Neurons, Networks and the Human Brain
• The Endocrine System: Molecular Messengers, Chemical Control
• The Immunological System: Recognition, Attack, and Memory
• Respiration and Circulation: Gas Exchange, Molecular Transport
• Digestion and Excretion: Absorption, Excretion, and Homeostasis
• Muscular, Skeletal, and Integumentary Systems: Defining Our Form

Basics of Cell Biology
• Biochemistry I:
Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
• Biochemistry II:
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids
• Cells:
The Structure of Life
• Cell Membranes:
The Boundaries of Life
• Photosynthesis:
Transforming Light to Life
• Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration:
The Biology of Energy

Basics of Biodiversity
• Bacteria, Archaebacteria, and the Prokaryotic Domains
• Kingdom Protists:
The Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity
• Kingdom Fungi:
Decomposers and Parasites
• Kingdom Plantae:
Backbone of the Bioshpere
• Kingdom Animalia:
The Invertebrates
• Kingdom Animalia:
The Vertebrates

Basics of Ecology
• Aquatic Biomes:
Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Wetland
• Terrestrial Biomes: Deserts, Grasslands, and Forests
• Populations: Biotic Potential,  Environmental Resistance
• Community Interactions: Competition, Predation, and Symbiosis
• How Ecosystems Work: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycles
• Human Impact on the Biosphere
Basics of Genetics
• DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis:
Information to Structure
• Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction, and Genetic Variability
• Cellular Reproduction: Mitosis, Cytokinesis, the Cell Cycle
• Understanding Inheritance: Mendel, Method, and Mapping
• The Human Genome: Traits, Disorders, and Treatment
• Biotechnology: Engineering Genomes
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