AGE: Teen, Adult Time: Approx. 23 Min. Ea. DVDs: 15
DVD: $24.95 EA.      DVD Series: $370.00         
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Recommended: North American Association for Environmental Education.

This 15-part DVD series, offers viewers a look into what's being done around the world and what we can also do to help reduce our carbon footprint. Each program brings hopeful information from governments, corporations, environmental agencies and individuals who are finding ways to improve our planet. Using the latest global perspective, this life changing eco-friendly series deals with all things "green", whether it's organic, recyclable, sustainable, or bio.

Endangered Species

From Tibet to Argentina and many places in-between, this encompassing look at endangered species offers insight into the plight and hope for many of our planets animals. Along the way we'll search for species now believed extinct, such as the Yangtze Dolphin of China, to more promising efforts in Hungary for repopulating the rare white rhino.

Bio Fuels
What do animal dung in Israel and leftover cooking oils in North America have in common? Both are being used as bio fuels for powering industrial equipment and motor vehicles. Combine this with efforts to process coconut oil from Uganda and soy from Argentina and you have the hopeful beginnings for fossil fuel independence.

Global Warming
A critical concern for the planet today is global warming and its probable consequences. And whether warming trends are occurring because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or a cyclical change in the weather, we'll investigate this global issue from the polar Arctic to the polar Antarctic.

As the world’s garbage piles grow to even greater heights, many people and industries are finding new uses for old things. In Manila, the Philippines, local women are running a thriving business repurposing old papers into fashionable accessories creating a worldwide demand. In the U.S., recycling E-Waste is big business as producers and consumers consider important ways to reduce their toxic impact on the environment. It begs the question: So, what are you doing?

Most everywhere in the world, the air, the ground, the drinking water, the ecosystems and even made-made structures, are impacted by the harmful effects of pollution. It's a serious problem in need of some serious solutions. This global perspective on the topic of pollution takes a closer look at the where and what, along with the when and how, of this threatening environmental issue.

Alternative Energy
Most everyone realizes the environmental and economic cost for the dependence on fossil fuels for energy, foreign or domestic. So it makes sense to embrace other technologies that are cost efficient and sustainable, yet reduce their negative impact on the planet. Governments, industries, and people worldwide are finding new ways to reduce their energy dependency and environmental impact by investing in sustainable energy alternatives.

Organic Living
For now, organic living is a lifestyle preference. It's based on the belief that food, clothing, and other things in one’s life is best if it is of reduced (95%) or completely chemical free. However, you don't have to be a purist to make a difference in your own well-being or to improve your personal environment. In this look at modern living we'll learn some different ways the concept of organic can be incorporated into anyone's world.

With a growing world population, paying close attention to the optimum use and not abuse of natural resources is a compassionate idea. Whether it's reclaiming the desert in China or harvesting water in Kenya, we'll understand the important benefits of resource allocation. Preserving by conserving, what an important concept!

Eco Friendly
When it comes to the environment each person makes a difference, each person leaves a mark. Deciding how to lighten one's footprint is usually an individual decision, but these decisions have a collective outcome. Choosing the more environmentally friendly approach to life is what this program is about. We'll hop the globe to learn about "green" weddings, constructing "green" buildings and even efforts to turn the lowly toilet just a shade greener.

Carbon(less) Footprint
As we travel through life, all of us leave footprints behind.  At times these prints are wider & deeper than they should ever be.  So how does one go about lightening their step and reducing the imprint? Well, by doing what others have chosen to do, share, renew, reuse, and rethink new ways of doing old things.  What’s your idea?

Green Good News
That old adage “what you don’t know can’t hurt you” doesn’t hold up as well when we’re speaking of the environment. Around the globe environmental news worthy events are happening that could have close and serious consequence.  But there is other news too, really good and hopeful news, news you should know.  Now you’ve really got something to think about.

Environmental Heroes
Be thankful for those individuals who care enough to make a difference.  From across our globe, these special people are taking on unique environmental challenges and in the process protecting our world.  Each person, each effort, brings hope and inspiration to us all, whether it’s re-wilding, rebuilding, preserving, enlightening, surmounting or conserving.

Habitat Loss
In the name of progress with an eye on commerce, important habitats are steadily losing ground, quite literally.  The consequences of these lost habitats are difficult to comprehend, but the results are becoming ever more evident.  Abundant plant and animal life gradually dwindles, water and other vital resources diminish, and if the habitat losses continue unchallenged, humans are surely the next in line.

Climate Change
Something is going on and it’s not pretty.  What ever is causing the change in global climate, the dangers are significantly real and possible solutions massively large.  The domino effect of this climatic change can now be found in most places of the world.  At times these changes can be quite subtle, at other times abundantly clear, but in any case obtaining a broader understanding of the consequences is a smart idea.

What a novel idea, getting up close and personal with plants, animals and the environment and then leaving it just as it was found.  Without impact, or damage!  Sometimes that means bypassing that once in a lifetime experience or forsaking the urge for a take-home souvenir.  It’s important to remind ourselves that we’re not alone in this world and to also understand, it’s not fair to treat the rest of the world as if we are all that matters.

Cross Curricular- Environmental Science, Earth Science, Social Issues

Closed Captioned
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