AGE: Teen, Adult Time: 52 Min. Ea. DVDs: 8
DVD: $39.95 Ea.      DVD Series: $279.65         
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Recommended: Video Librarian, Educational Media Reviews Online
In 1939 the scientific world is buzzing. The race for the atomic bomb is launched. But to control nuclear fission, the French and the Germans alike absolutely need heavy water. This rare resource is produced in a single factory in Vemork, a small Norwegian town, which then becomes a major strategic issue. From 1939 to 1944, the Allies lead several secret operations to recover the stocks of heavy water, and to prevent Hitler from getting his hands on them. This documentary, constructed as a true historical thriller, returns for the first time to this little known, but nevertheless crucial episode from the Second World War.

Thirty years after his death, Joan Miró has become an iconic figure in the art world. The more time passes, the more his work becomes universal, going beyond borders and genres. His work lives outside of museums, on the walls of prestigious institutions, and his influence extends into design and architecture and is visible in the most unexpected places.

"The Blue House" located in Mexico City, is the home where Frida Kahlo was born (1907) and would die (1954). She is surrounded not only by painter Diego Rivera, but also by Leon Trotsky, André Breton, Sergei Eisenstein, Pablo Neruda, Waldo Frank, Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Vassily Kandinsky, etc. As Mexico commemorates 200 years of national independence and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, our film recalls the great adventures of "The Blue House", its parties, its manifestoes, its artists, its freewheeling love affairs, its betrayals... as well as its unlikely melding of art and revolution, of Surrealism and Mexico, of the Old and the New Worlds.

THE GUN SHOP: A film by James Rogan
The Financial Times: Critic’s Choice;   The Guardian: Subtly terrifying.
Highly Recommended: Library Journal, Recommended: Video Librarian
No issue currently divides Americans more than their constitutional right to bear arms versus the merits of gun control. This new, topical documentary captures the roles that guns play in many people’s lives by placing cameras inside a small, family-run gun shop in Michigan. Avoiding simple stereotypes and well-worn clichés, as well as understanding the everyday challenges of running a business in a controversial industry, the film explores and reflects on the nature of the debate around gun ownership and gun controls through the prism of the store. Bold, entertaining, insightful, The Gun Shop is a thought-provoking film that examines the emotive and divisive issue of gun ownership through those most closely associated and affected by it, including law enforcement.

IN THE STARLIGHT: A film by Mathieu Le Lay
Highly Recommended: Video Librarian, Educational Media Reviews Online
In the Starlight is an intimate portrait of the professional mountain landscape and adventure photographer Paul Zizka. Zizka has spent more than 10 years documenting the interplay of light and weather in the mountains, shooting alpine endeavors and unique international locations to capture the spirit of adventure.  Specializing in photographing in difficult conditions and hard-to-reach places, Paul is constantly exploring his backyard in the Rockies. For his next adventure, he embarks on a journey to Greenland to capture frozen structures and the splendor of icebergs in the rugged landscapes. While the pressures of being a famous photographer increase, Paul takes on a demanding ascent of spectacular Mount Whitehorn in Canada. A prolific adventurer, Paul’s explorations have taken him to all seven continents. Paul’s images have been featured in a variety of publications, including National Geographic, Maclean’s, Alpinist, Huffington Post, The Guardian, Canadian Geographic, Islands, PhotoLife, and Explore magazine. His client list includes leading national and global brands such as Apple, Dell, Arc’Teryx, lululemon Athleta, Panasonic, MEC and Canon. Paul has published six books.

LIVES AT THE BORDER: A film by Pierre Raimond
This film is the portrait of Vuthy, a young Cambodian who has dedicated himself to improving the lives of others. He has been working with NGO Friends-International for fifteen years, managing a small team at the border between Thailand and Cambodia. This is a very sensitive area as many Cambodians take their chances in Thailand, hoping to make a living for their family. Often outlawed, they unfortunately face human trafficking networks and corruption. Many of them will get caught in a downward spiral of gambling, drug abuse, begging and prostitution. The film crew followed Vuthy at work with street children and clandestine migrants for over four years, at the border of two realms, at the line between what’s legal and illicit, between childhood and vagrancy, innocence and violence…   Destiny served a tough life to those that a handful of men and women fight to improve.

Highly Recommended: Video Librarian, Educatioinal Media Reviews Online
Willard Wigan makes art so small it could fit in the eye of a needle. His entire collection–valued in the millions–could fit on a coin. He once inhaled three weeks of work when he breathed in at the wrong time. For Willard, the desire to go smaller and smaller is his eccentric escape from a chaotic world. But how does he do it and why? Using cutting edge macro camera technology and CGI graphics to take us into Willard’s tiny world, we follow him as he creates his smallest piece of art to date, attempting to beat his own world record with a sculpture totally invisible to the naked eye.

In Adolf Hitler’s bunker in Berlin, bombarded day and night by the Russian army, an elegant woman of around 40 poisons her six children before committing suicide. Her name was Magda Goebbels, and she was the wife of the notorious and sinister propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, and the Third Reich’s true First Lady. From this inaugural scene, this documentary, in the form of a psychological thriller, attempts to understand how Magdalena Friedlander became Magda Goebbels. A woman who bore the name of the Jewish step-father who raised her. A woman who married a wealthy automobile magnate with libertarian ideas, before divorcing him, and becoming an emancipated young woman at the height of fashion. Magda Goebbels is as much a product of history - that of Nazism - as of her own tortured psyche.
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